Friday, October 6, 2023

 First day in the UK—unless you count yesterday, which was more like a jet lag dream! Woke up this morning feeling almost fully here, from a time zone perspective. I took off along the Thames to walk a couple of miles to Chiswick Park with its lush collection of trees and gardens. I did manage to get briefly lost, but enjoyed all of it. A beautiful trail to be lost in. 

You may not know, but I have a truly terrible sense of direction and can manage to get lost most anywhere. In fact, just ask me for directions any time you want to end up somewhere you never planned and find yourself on an unexpected adventure! 

My favorite part of Chiswick—the Kitchen Gardens. Three hundred years of love and care make it a place full of joy. Today, local residents look after the gardens and give more than half the food they produce to local food banks. A passing thought as I luxuriated under the ancient shade trees—wouldn’t it be wonderful if the primary concern of all governments was the planting of huge food and flower gardens and trees?  Such richness would pervade our lives!

Mainly, I am sooo happy just to be here. Gardens everywhere, huge trees everywhere and the beloved Thames. Everything smells and feels so lush and rich and nourishing. Photos below: the Thames and the Kitchen Gardens, including a veritable forest of zinnias.

1 comment:

  1. Having read all your posts, I am left with a smile in my heart that my dear, long-time friend has been deeply nourished once again in her travels to the UK. ~Elaine
